Welcome back for another weekly TTM success post. When sending photos to get signed how many is too many? I usually try and limit the number of pictures or items I send to no more than two. On rare occasions I might send three photos or two photos and maby an index card but that's usually it. If it's a tuff signer or someone who normally doesn't sign slot ttm I will only send one photo and be really happy with one of I'm lucky enough to get a response. If I send more than two or three I feel quilty like I'm abusing their kindness and possibly ruining it for others who send after me. I see alot of new TTM collectors who do this or just regular people who send 5 or more things to get signed just to put on eBay. I understand that sometimes you're really a super huge fan and want multiple autographs but unfortunately alot of people are only sending that many to try and make a quick dollar by selling something they got for next to nothing and hurting real fans by abusing the system and causing celebs to stop signing TTM or start charging for autographs. So why be greedy? Try to limit the number of items you send TTM. Now on to this week's TTM successes. Monday brought a cool return from Robert Gimlin who signed our two photos and only took just under a month to return. Wednesday's mail arrived with a super amazing return from Ann Margret who signed one of our two photos we sent of her in the movie "Tommy" and took 19 months for it to return. That's all for this weekend. Have a great graphing weekend and I'll be back next week with more TTM autographs and address's.
Robert Gimlin
Ann Margret
*FMB www.fanmail.biz
*ST www.startiger.com
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